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How Often Should You Post On Threads?

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    Schedul Team

Does your business have an active Threads page? Are you posting too much or too little? How often should you post on Threads in 2024? Should you thread something every single day?

These are questions that many Threads users, including businesses, are asking themselves. Even the best of us get confused. Sometimes we feel like we’re posting too many threads per day, and sometimes, maybe not enough. So, where is that sweet spot? What is the best frequency for posting on Threads?

Whether you're a seasoned business or just starting out, this article will help you out in figuring out how often you should post on Threads. Understanding the right posting frequency can significantly impact your views and interactions. The time of day when you post is another crucial factor. We’ve covered best times to post on threads in a separate article—click here to read it.

Now, let’s get to the main topic.

So, How Often Should You Post on Threads in 2024?

We’ve done the research; we’ve looked at the data from our own threads planner, Schedul, and analyzed the activity of many professional business accounts on threads. The amount of threads people post can be different account to account, but anywhere between 3 - 30 threads per day is recommended.

  • **Bare minimum: **You should at least post once per day. Anywhere between 3 to 30 is okay, and from 7 to 23 threads is optimal based on your business. But if, on some days, you can’t do that, you should at least do the bare minimum. Threads is a game of showing up every single day.
  • Audience Engagement: Another factor to look at when you want to decide whether you should increase or decrease your threads posting times is audience engagement. Observe how your followers respond to your current posting frequency. Are they actively engaging with your content? If so, you might be able to increase your posts. If not, maybe post less frequently and see how they react. Always look at the numbers.

Consistency of Your Threads is as Important as How Often You Post:

While the number of your threads posting times is important, consistency in posting is equally crucial - if not more important. As a professional business, you should aim to post at regular times throughout the day to maintain a steady online presence. Your audience will get to know your routine and look forward to your content day by day. When it comes to scheduling your threads, you should tread carefully (get it?) and avoid beginner blunders. Head over to our guide on how to avoid the most common mistakes when it comes to scheduling.

Now that you know how often you should post on Threads in 2024, what is the best way to be consistent with your content, you ask? Let’s find out.

Simplify Your Threads Management with Schedul

Now, having a planner will help you come up with a Threads posting frequency that works for you. Whether you want to post 3 threads per day or go up to as many as 30, our Threads Scheduler, Schedul, can help you do this. With our tool, you can effortlessly schedule your threads for days, weeks, or even months to come. Our time-saving automation will free up your business days for more strategic activities.

  • Comprehensive Analytics: Track your performance and gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior.
  • Multiple Account Management: Easily manage multiple Threads accounts from a single dashboard.
  • **Dynamic Calendar View: **Visualize your posting schedule and make adjustments as needed.

Ready to take your Threads game to the next level? Sign up for Schedul today and experience the difference.