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What is the Difference Between Instagram and Threads?

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    Schedul Team

Instagram and Threads: Two sides of the same coin? Or are they two completely different beasts? What are the differences between Instagram and Threads? Now, here’s a question not many of us know the answer to, and we’re rightly confused.

Before we get to more comprehensive analyses (scroll down to see them) between these two apps, you should understand that both are popular social media apps, and are owned by Meta. And despite their seemingly similar features, **Instagram and Threads are inherently different. **They have distinct core functions and cater to demographics of their own.

If you’re a content creator, brand or a business who wants to be active on these platforms, understanding these differences is important. Why? Because that would directly affect how you should do your digital marketing on each respective platform. Instagram and Threads both represent different things, are used by different people, and also the ways you should profit from these apps are different.

In this blog, we’re going over the differences between these two apps (and their similarities), and how this information can and should affect your marketing strategy as a business striving to make money on these platforms.

Now, let’s get down to the analyses, shall we?

  1. What is the Difference between Instagram and Threads when it Comes to their Core Function?

Instagram is primarily designed as a photo-sharing platform. Its core function revolves around **visual **content. When you open the Instagram app, the first thing you most probably see are either photos or videos. While users _can _write captions, or even post photo carousels with texts, the platform's emphasis on images and videos (and reels) makes it a more visual-centric experience for the users.

No one is stopping you from writing long captions on Instagram, but the same text is much better read over at Threads.

Threads, on the other hand, is positioned as** a text-based conversation platform**. Threads prioritizes written content. You can share images and videos if you want, but the focus is on creating healthy discussions and interactions around different topics. When creating content for these two platforms, it’s important to understand what type of content is more successful in each platform.

In a way, Threads and Instagram complete each other. Like Batman and Joker.


To better understand the core function of Instagram’s Threads, read our blog “What is Instagram’s Threads Used For?”.

Now, onto the next question.

  1. What about the Target Audience and Demographics Difference Between These Two Platforms?

Now, Instagram has traditionally attracted a more younger demographic, primarily consisting of teenagers and young adults. The kids love this app. They been particularly drawn to the platform's emphasis on visual content, catchy songs, creating social connections, and hopping on new trends.


Instagram Demographics; Source: Statista

Threads, on the other hand, has demonstrated** a broader appeal**, attracting users from different age groups. Millennials and Gen Zers are the dominant groups on Threads, but it’s a more balanced distribution compared to Instagram.

Male vs Female: Gender Demographics on Threads and Instagram

When it comes to gender demographics, it’s a different story.

On Instagram, the gender distribution is relatively balanced, with both males and females making up around half of the user base.

However, Threads has shown a slight skew towards male users, with approximately 60% of users identifying as male compared to 40% female. This difference in demographics can be attributed to their respective core functions, and how Instagram is more visual while Threads is more textual.

Now that we've covered who uses Instagram and Threads, let's explore how businesses can profit from these popular platforms.

  1. How About Monetization and Business Opportunities On Threads and Instagram?

Instagram and Threads offer different paths for businesses and content creators to earn money from their online presence. These different paths are shaped by their unique formats and audiences, as we have covered in this blog.

Now, comparing the two, you already know that Instagram has long been a leader in social media monetization. There are so many avenues on Instagram that you can earn money from. Sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, paid partnerships and collaborations, ads, and even showcasing your items and having an actual online shop, to name a few.

When it comes to Threads, monetization is still a developing area since the app is new. We’ve covered “How to Make Money on Threads” in detail in our ultimate guide. While Threads doesn't yet offer the same range of revenue streams as Instagram, the strategies are similar. If you’ve been successful on Instagram with a solid marketing plan, congrats! You’re already halfway there with Threads.

Instagram and Threads – Which One Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the choice between Instagram and Threads depends on your brand's identity, your audience’s preferences, and your marketing objectives. And hey, here’s the best part! You don’t necessarily have to choose one over the other. Instead, what we recommend is to leverage each platform’s unique strengths to create a well-rounded digital presence for your brand. Use Instagram to catch the eye, and Threads to capture the mind. When these platforms work in harmony, your marketing strategy becomes more powerful, reaching audiences in multiple ways.

Over here at Schedul, we have created an app that will help you plan and post your Threads with only a few clicks, saving you hours of precious time. With Schedul, you can manage multiple accounts, have a bird’s eye view with our visual content calendar, and get access to advanced post performance insights.

So, what are you waiting for? Choose your plan, and start your Threads journey.